Sunday, August 8, 2010

Its been awhile

It has been awhile since I have updated my blog. A lot of things has happened to me these past few months and it has been crazy.

First, I have resigned from my current work place. In case you didn't know, I was working for a government agency. I like a lot of people have this bad perception on government agencies. Gomen mah. But the one that I used to work in is so different from the typical gomen agency. Why I resign you might ask. Well, I resigned because I couldn't stand my boss. I have to say that he is the worst boss that I have ever had. Also a few other reasons. Anyways, my last day was last Wednesday. I feel sad and happy at the same time. Sad because I am leaving my colleagues who are nice and caring people. Happy because I am moving on to another place with better career growth and better pay. I will be starting my new job next Wednesday. It is fast but at least I have a few days of rest before I start work.

Last Thursday, I went for a family holiday with my husband and his family to Penang. It was really fun. The goal of the trip is to eat, eat and eat. Oh man did we eat!!! To the point where I got diarrhea. Although I was sick but I didn't regret. The trip was a satisfying trip. Ate all the food that I craved for.

In this trip I didn't take much picture probably because I was busy eating. Hahaha... Most of my shots are in the car. Check out my next blog coz I will be uploading the pics soon.

Well, that's it from me today folks. Catch you all later.

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