Sunday, August 29, 2010

Shiver Leng

When I was a kid, I have always wanted a pet. My parents did not allow us to have pets when we were kids. We practically have no say in having pets when we were young. Then as I grow older, I thought to myself I am earning some money. I can have a pet and take care of it. I managed to persuade my mom on this. If you ask me, I am not sure now how I managed to persuade my mom.

One day we went to a pet shop in Petaling Street. My goal is to buy a dog, it doesnt have to be a very expensive one (I was on a tight budget) and it doesnt have to be a good breed. I wanted a big female dog. But my mom was not agreeable with me on the gender. She said that female dogs are dirtier especially when it is the time of the month.

At the shop, I was looking at this particular dog (not sure what breed it was). She was sooo cute and I know she will grow up to be a big dog. Somehow, my younger bro saw Shiver. He was sleeping in one of the cage. He pointed Shiver out to me and I thought hey he is cute too. As usual, being the indecisive person, my bro suggested to hold him and see how I feel. The shop owner, who is a lady took him out of the cage and passed him to me. I held him and I fell in love with him instantly.

Shiver is a Pomorenian and Spitz mixed breed. He has the look of a Pomeranian and body of a Spitz. He looks like a wolf. Why I name him Shiver? I was thinking of a name for him. I didn't want to give him a normal human name. I wanted something different and cute. When Shiver was young, probably not used to the environment. He was very scared and he shivers a lot. So I thought hey lets call him Shiver. He is a very obedient dog who have learned a lot of tricks such as sit, roll over, ching ching.

It is not easy taking pictures of Shiver. He doesn't like camera. Not sure if he just hates it or just camera shy. Whenever you point your camera at him, he will either look away or walk away. Sometimes worst, he will just show you his butt. One of the pic here is on his butt. It was when I said "Shiver let me take a pic of you." he turns around and showed me his butt. :s Here are some of the pics that I took. Hope you enjoy it as much as I took it.

As much as he hates camera, I love taking pictures of him just to annoy him. Hehe...Over the years I took tons of pics of him. In my earlier posts, I did upload some of his pics. Check it out!

Monday, August 9, 2010

ATV Experience in Koh Sah Mui

Remember in my previous post I mentioned that I didnt have a very good experience with ATV?

In 2008, I went to Koh Sah Mui with my hubby and family members. My in laws are all very adventurous. I was never the adventurous type. But I thought to fit in, I should try to be one.

On the first day, we went Bungee Jumping. I am actually afraid of heights. But I thought what the heck, I came all the way here I should at least try if not I will regret. So I did. I watched my bro in law jump first, then my hubby and next my sis in law. They all jumped solo. Then my turn, I jumped in tandem. On the way up in the crane, I almost shitted in my pants. My eyes were red. The guy who is jumping with me was trying to create a conversation with me. Probably because he saw how nervous I was. He said "Nice weather". I told him "I am afraid of heights and am gonna cry soon. So I am not looking around." Once we reached to the top, I didnt want to get up. I was sitting down. But the guy pulled me. He asked me to walk to the edge of the crane. I moved like a few inches. He said move out a bit more. I looked at him. Then he pulled me to the edge. After that he said "When I count to 3 we jump. Ready? One, two..." Next thing you know I was screaming my lungs out. He didnt count till 3!!! I screamed so loud, I think the poor fella is deaf on one side. I was holding on to him like holding on to my dear life. He said "You can let go now" but I didnt. I think he has a few finger marks on his hips. Haha..but it was fun. We bought shirts and a video of us jumping as a souvenir.

On the second day, we went on to flying fox. After bungee, the flying fox is like nothing. But that doesnt mean I am not afraid of heights. At least I felt more secure with the flying fox. After the flying fox, my bro in law suggested ATV. Initially my hubby was not keen. But we went anyway.

On the 3rd day, this french guy who runs a ATV business came to our villa to pick us up. We arrived at this jungle with some huts. The guy thought us the basics of ATV. How to move forward, reverse and stop. I took one of the automatic ATV while my bro in law and hubby took manual. Initially we were shocked because we were not provided with any safety gear. No helmet or knee pad. I was literally in my bikini. But we went ahead thinking it should be fine. What we didnt know is how hard the terrain was.
I remembered I was telling my hubby and bro in law "Hey I am becoming adventurous." Of course, that statement became the joke of the trip later on.

We went on a 1 hour tour. The first half hour was fine until we came to a steep hill where we were suppose to go up. First the french guy of course went up without any problem. Then my bro in law. I thought hey that was easy. I watched how they maneuver the bike because its not only steep, it has holes along the way. You just need to know where to maneuver and how to avoid being stuck in the hole while going up. Needless to say, I didnt make it. The ATV fell on me and my poor hubby fell too coz he was behind me. I broke one side of the brake on my ATV. The french dude was of course not happy and told me to press the right side of the brake harder when I brake because I broke it. We were not hurt at that point. So we continued our ride.

Then we came to another steep slope. I thought to myself, shit its over. If I dont press the right side of the brake hard enough, the ATV will swirl and I will surely fall. True to my words, I fell. While I was going down
I pressed on my brakes but apparently not hard enough. My ATV swirled and I lost control. In that split second, I thought to myself I better jump out of the bike if not I will fall off the cliff with the ATV and the ATV will be on top of me. So I jumped. My ATV flew off the cliff and toppled. While jumping, I lost my balance and fell off the cliff. My hubby quickly stopped and ran towards me. He was of course not happy. While picking me up, he said "Enough. Lets go back". I remembered the first thing I looked for was my slippers. While looking for my slippers, I looked down on my left leg. I saw blood. I was bleeding. There was a cut on my ankle. My ATV was gone. I cant ride it anymore. So I went onto the french dude's bike. Being a pillion is actually worst then being the rider. He was going so fast, I remembered thinking to myself, if I fall again, there goes my leg.

Then we went back to the main area. We rested for awhile. I looked at my leg and freaked out. I was like "I can see my bones." My bro in law patted my head while pulling my head up. We told the french dude to bring me to the hospital. He said its just a scratch and he can bring us to a clinic to clean it up. After paying him the fee and of course the damage that I have caused to the bike, we left and he brought us to a pharmacy. The lady cleaned my scar up and put on bandage for me. Then we went back to the villa.

My sister in law was of course not happy to see us especially with me limping all the way into the villa. She walked towards us and said I knew it. My hubby opened the bandage to show my sis in law the scar. She told my hubby "You better bring her to the hospital." Next thing you know there is a car waiting outside to bring me to the hospital.

We went to the nearest hospital in the island. I went into the Emergency Room. The nurse took me to the xray room and thank god no bones are broken. The doc came to me and said I needed stitches. The scratch apparently is quite deep. While waiting to be stitched up, the nurse asked me what happened. So I told him. To my surprise, apparently everyday they get cases like me. In the ward there are 4 patients and all are from ATV accidents.
It is apparently quite normal there. Some of them are worst than me. One kid broke his arm and leg. As for me, I ended up with 7 stitches and RM2000 poorer. Thank god for insurance.

Of course, I couldnt go out at night. I had to stay in the villa while my hubby goes out to buy food for me. The manager of the villa heard about my accident and came to visit me. He told me that breakfast will be sent to my room the next morning. It was very sweet of him.

The next day, we left to the airport. I saw a lot of wheel chairs in the airport and I am not the only one on wheel chair. There are a lot of tourists there who are on wheel chair and guess what? All of them had the same accident as me. ATV accident.

From there onwards, I told myself not to be too adventurous. Even if I want to, I should think of safety first. Thank god I only needed a few stitches. What if I broke my leg? Or I hit my head on the rock when I fell? Better be safe than sorry. Well, I guess its also a blessing in disguise. If I didnt follow my hubby and bro in law, worst things could have happened. At least the 2 of them didnt race and crash because I was there.

That is my experience with ATV. Will I ever go on it again? Yes I will but first I would request for safety gear and I would want to know how is the terrain before I go. :)

Food Heaven

Penang is a food heaven for me. The food there are absolutely delicious and cheap. The first stop we made was to Kassim Mustafa. They have the best nasi dalcha. The first time I had it was in 2008 and needless to say I fell in love with it. I have been craving for it since then. It was on my top priority list of things to do in Penang. So without any second thought, we had that for dinner on our first night in Penang. It was soooo satisfying. We even bought extra so that we can have it for supper.

We stayed in Northam Hotel. It was a nice hotel. I didn't sleep well though because the pillow is too soft. But overall the room is very nice.

On the second day, we went up to Batu Feringghi to have laksa kedah by the beach. The laksa was good followed by ice kacang on a hot day plus having it by the beach, its beautiful. When we went to pay, I nearly had a shock of my life. One laksa cost RM2.30. Can you believe it??? You can only buy a drink here in KL with that price!!! But one thing though, later that day I had diarrhea. :(

We didn't do much in Penang except for eating. I didn't take much pictures as well because I was busy eating. :D. Here are some of the pics that I took. Hope you enjoy it.

Lost World of Tambun and Xtreme Park

In my previous post, I mentioned that I went for a family holiday in Penang. Before reaching Penang, we stopped by Ipoh to visit my father in law. It was his birthday. He was surprised and happy as the whole family was there.

After that we went to Lost World of Tambun. We wanted to go in but in the end decided not to. There isn't much to see there, it is a waterpark and you can get it here at Sunway Lagoon. But I managed to take some pictures of the place.

Then we stopped by the Xtreme Park next to it. We went for the Go-Kart for 10 laps. It was fun. Of course for me, I was slow and steady. It was not very comfortable for me as I am short and the steering wheel was very far from the seat. I guess that is what it takes to be short. LOL.

After Go-Kart, my hubby and brother-in-law decided to try out ATV. I have to say I was tempted but scared at the same time. My first experience with ATV was not a good one. I will share with you my experience in my next post. So...I decided not to go. But my sister-in-law and I were worried at first. My hubby and bro-in-law are speed demons. They love to race especially with each other. You put the 2 of them together with a machine be it a car or bike, things will go wrong. But thank god our worry was a waste. The ATV track was sad. I mean really sad. Let's just say even a 10 year old kid can go through it without a scratch. I was glad that I didn't join them. It was a waste of money and time. Hahaha... they should not call it the Xtreme Park. They should call it the Safe Park instead.

All in all, it was a fun trip. The Go-Kart was fun and it was also fun to tease my hubby and bro-in-law about their ATV ride. After that we continued our journey to Food Heaven, Penang.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Its been awhile

It has been awhile since I have updated my blog. A lot of things has happened to me these past few months and it has been crazy.

First, I have resigned from my current work place. In case you didn't know, I was working for a government agency. I like a lot of people have this bad perception on government agencies. Gomen mah. But the one that I used to work in is so different from the typical gomen agency. Why I resign you might ask. Well, I resigned because I couldn't stand my boss. I have to say that he is the worst boss that I have ever had. Also a few other reasons. Anyways, my last day was last Wednesday. I feel sad and happy at the same time. Sad because I am leaving my colleagues who are nice and caring people. Happy because I am moving on to another place with better career growth and better pay. I will be starting my new job next Wednesday. It is fast but at least I have a few days of rest before I start work.

Last Thursday, I went for a family holiday with my husband and his family to Penang. It was really fun. The goal of the trip is to eat, eat and eat. Oh man did we eat!!! To the point where I got diarrhea. Although I was sick but I didn't regret. The trip was a satisfying trip. Ate all the food that I craved for.

In this trip I didn't take much picture probably because I was busy eating. Hahaha... Most of my shots are in the car. Check out my next blog coz I will be uploading the pics soon.

Well, that's it from me today folks. Catch you all later.