Monday, April 26, 2010

The Fantabulous 4

The fantabulous 4

Everyone has their confidante and close friends. For me I have 3 fantabulous friends whom I love very much. We do silly things together and used to party like crazy. There was once we even drove all the way to Penang just to party and drove all the way back to KL in the middle of the night. Those were the good old days. Young, brave and carefree.

We said to each other that we have to make it a point to go for a girls trip every year. One of my close friend is working and living in Melbourne. Whenever she comes back, we plan for a short road trip. This year during CNY, we went to Bukit Tinggi. We had loads of fun there and we brought along our kai chai, Mason.

To me good friends are hard to come along. Most of my other friends are in their separate ways. As we grow, our lifestyle changes. Although me and my 3 girlfriends live a seperate life, (2 of us are married and one with a kid, one working hard all the time and another one in Melbourne) I am grateful that we are still very close to each other. Hazel, Ailee and Cathryn you guys are the best.

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