Monday, September 12, 2011

Princess Tiger

My hubby wanted Bat to have a companion. Cats live longer and healthier with another companion. I was initially not keen. I mean one cat is enough. The cleaning my god. But deep down inside me I don't want to share Bat. Hehe...Yes I might sound selfish or insane. Bat is tooo adorable!!!

So after much persuasion, me n my hubby went to SPCA. We went in the morning to look at kittens. None of the kittens connect with us. They are all cute but just doesn't have that connection. So we went back to PJ to grab a bite. Not satisfied my hubby drove back to SPCA again. When we were there this Indian family came in with a beautiful kitten. Apparently they found this kitten and wanted to keep her. But their existing cat is too territorial. So they have no choice but to leave the poor kitten there. The lady Rose who works in SPCA took the kitten and put it in the cage. In swift second I went to the cage and took the kitten out.

The moment I put her in my arms and looked into her eyes. I fell in love instantly. Her fur is soft and nice. Beautiful green eyes and her face is so sweet. Then I handed her to my hubby and he fell in love with her. Without second thoughts we adopted her.

Let me introduce you to Tiger.

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