Sunday, January 1, 2012

In Memory of Tiger...You will always be remembered and loved

When I saw my last post, I almost wanted to cry. Princess Tiger....she has left us for a better and more peaceful place. She was hit by a deadly virus known as Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). Her stomach was bloated. Initially we thought she was pregnant. But after awhile, I felt something is wrong. She was not as active as before, her stomach is getting bigger and she is loosing weight. I mean when you are pregnant you should be eating a lot but she doesn't.

One day I woke up and found her very weak. She could hardly walk and was shivering. My hubby brought her to the vet and we found out that she was hit by the deadly virus. her stomach was bloated with some liquid. The liquid covered her stomach and kidney. Her internal organs were not functioning well. Even if we pump all the liquid out it wont help because she will not be eating.

It is sad. I mean why of all cats must she get it. The vet told us that there is no cure for it and there is no other choice.

We have to let her go.

Tiger, you will always be remembered. The cute, feisty and manja princess which we will love forever. Mommy luv you forever.

In memory of Tiger, I will be doing a piece of her picture on me. Will upload it once it is done.