Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cameron Highland - BOH Plantation

After visiting the competitor. We went to visit BOH Plantation. The drive up was quite scary. The road is narrow and steep. Not to mention that the road can only fit one car and it is a 2 way traffic.

When we were going up, there were cars waiting at the side (very near to the cliff) for the on coming cars to pass so that they have space to go. If I were driving I would panic. Its not easy to maneuver at the narrow steep road and it is quite a long drive up. Thank god my hubby is a good driver. I don't know how all the Alphards and Vellfires manage to get up.

Once we were up, again we couldn't find a parking space. After one round of searching, finally we found a parking. From the parking lot to the plantation and factory is a long walk up. This is the only time that I didn't complain about the long walk because the weather is beautiful. I didn't sweat at all.

Unfortunately the factory was closed on that day. Probably because it was Boxing Day and a Sunday. There is a cafe that serves teas and scone. Its all glass overlooking the plantation. A very nice place to sit down and enjoy a cup of tea, the scenery and weather.

We went into the BOH shop to buy some teas. BOH tea prices are more expensive compared to the price of Cameron Valley Bharat Tea. Didn't buy much because it is not so exclusive. Most of the BOH teas range are available in KL.

Overall we enjoyed the scenery and the walk. We even walked down to the plantation to take pictures. Here are some of the pics that I took.

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